Information and communication, structural business statistics2015, preliminary figures


All releases for Information and communication, structural business statistics - annually, preliminary figures

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
26 October 2016 2015 Growth for motion picture, video and television
18 April 2016 2014 Increased operating income for ICT in 2014
29 October 2015 2014 Growth for information and communication
17 April 2015 2013 Increase in income from IT services
4 November 2014 2013 Continued high growth for IT services
7 May 2014 2012 More value added from consultants
5 November 2013 2012 Growth for information and communications
6 June 2013 2011 Fall in value added for telecommunications
6 November 2012 2011 Growth for IT services
22 June 2012 2010 Increase in radio and television in 2010
1 November 2011 2010 Turnover growth for radio and television
24 June 2011 2009 Decline in newspaper turnover
8 November 2010 2009 Lower employment in publishing industry
27 May 2010 2008 High growth in computer programming and consultancy
3 November 2009 2008 Low growth in telecom