AccommodationDecember 2007


All releases for Accommodation - monthly

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
6 April 2005 February 2005 Increase in guest nights
2 March 2005 January 2005 Increase in guest nights
2 February 2005 December 2004 Peak year for accommodation establishments
7 January 2005 November 2004 Increase in guest nights at Norwegian hotels
1 December 2004 October 2004 More guest nights in Norwegian hotels
29 October 2004 September 2004 More guest nights this summer
1 October 2004 August 2004 Guest nights by Norwegians increased
3 September 2004 July 2004 Good month for hotels
30 July 2004 June 2004 More guest nights at hotels in June
2 July 2004 May 2004 Fewer guest nights in hotels
4 June 2004 April 2004 Increase in number of guest nights at hotels
7 May 2004 March 2004 More guest nights at camping sites
2 April 2004 February 2004 Foreigners go camping
9 March 2004 January 2004 More guest nights in January
6 February 2004 December 2003 Less guest nights in 2003

For previous releases also see: Camping statistics, Accommodation on Svalbard, Holiday dwellings, Intermediaries of cabins and Hotel statistics.