Decline in number of tuition periods
fjernund, Adult education, accredited web-based schools (discontinued), Internet studies, adult education, courses, course completion, distance education, e-learning, main subjects (for example languages, social studies, service)Adult education, Education

Adult education, accredited web-based schools (discontinued)2001



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Decline in number of tuition periods

There were 14 per cent fewer completed courses and 17 per cent fewer tuition periods in 2001 compared to the previous year.

Nearly 33 000 courses arranged by the independent distance teaching institutions were completed during 2001. Total number of tuition periods were less than 5 072 000.

The Norwegian School of Management BI- Center for Financial Service Studies experienced the largest drop in tuition periods, 37 per cent from 2000.

Despite reduced activity totally, three institutions had an increase in tuition periods during 2001. The Aviation School of Norway had 5 200 tuition periods more than in 2000, an increase of 8 per cent. Kristen brevskole and NKI Department of Distance Education also had more tuition periods than in 2000, 5 and 2 per cent respectively.

70 per cent were given the option of a public exam

This statistics detail who were given the option of taking a public exam, but not how many who accepted the offer or any results from the exam. In all there were 23 300 courses, or 70 per cent of all courses with the option of taking a public exam.

61 per cent of all completed courses were classified as upper secondary level, whereas 25 percent were at the university and college level and 14 percent of all courses did not specify any level.

Most women

Similar to previous years there were a majority of female course completions, about 54 per cent. Of all course completions where age were given, 69 per cent belonged to the age group 30-49 years, 21 per cent were in the age group 14-29 and the rest were 50 and above. The age group 30-49 years was in majority in all main subjects.

Most course completions were within business and ICT, 18 per cent of all. The least popular courses were within humanities and natural resource management, only 1 per cent of all.

Women dominated certain courses, for example aesthetic subjects and handicraft, health, social and sports where women were more than 90 percent of all course completions. Men dominated transport and communication and science, industry and technical subjects.

Women from Sogn and Fjordane most eager course completers

Sogn and Fjordane County peaked the statistics with 22 course completions per thousand inhabitants. Women from Sogn and Fjordane reached 30 course completions per 1000 inhabitant. At the bottom were men from Akershus County with the lowest number of course completions per inhabitant.

Most course completions were from the most densely populated counties in Norway, Oslo and Akershus. Finnmark County had the lowest number of course completions but nevertheless scored higher than Oslo and Akershus seen on a per inhabitant basis.
