Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Lifelong learning
The Learning Conditions Monitor (LCM) is an bi-annual ad hoc module to Statistics Norway’s Labour Force Survey (LFS). The ad hoc survey focuses mainly on participation in education.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Participation in formal education, formal supplementary education and non-formal educationDownload table as ...Participation in formal education, formal supplementary education and non-formal education1 2
Participants (per cent) 2013 2022 2024 Formal education3 Employed persons 18 19 19 Not employed 39 37 37 Formal supplementary education4 Employed persons 8 7 7 Not employed 7 6 6 Non-formal education Employed persons 51 48 53 Not employed 15 15 18 1Persons 15-66 years 2From 2021 there is a new Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Learning Conditions Monitor (LCM) questionnaire, which leads to a break in the time series 3Includes persons 15-59 years 4Includes persons 22-59 years Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Age of participants in formal education, formal supplementary education and non-formal education among employed and not employedDownload table as ...Age of participants in formal education, formal supplementary education and non-formal education among employed and not employed1 2
2024 Participants (per cent) Formal education3 Formal supplementary education4 Non-formal education Employed persons Males 15-59 years 17 6 53 15-21 years 84 . 48 22-29 years 33 10 55 30-39 years 10 8 57 40-49 years 6 6 50 50-59 years 2 2 51 Females 15-59 years 26 10 54 15-21 years 90 . 42 22-29 years 46 8 53 30-39 years 18 17 57 40-49 years 13 13 58 50-59 years 5 5 53 Not employed Males 15-59 years 49 7 21 15-21 years 94 . 30 22-29 years 71 15 23 30-39 years 20 17 24 40-49 years : : 14 50-59 years : : : Females 15-59 years 43 9 20 15-21 years 95 . 21 22-29 years 67 13 24 30-39 years 25 23 22 40-49 years 12 12 20 50-59 years : : 14 1Persons 15-66 years 2From 2021 there is a new Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Learning Conditions Monitor (LCM) questionnaire, which leads to a break in the time series 3Includes persons 15-59 years 4Includes persons 22-59 years Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Industries for participants in formal education, formal supplementary education and non-formal educationDownload table as ...Industries for participants in formal education, formal supplementary education and non-formal education1 2
2024 Participants (per cent) Formal education3 Formal supplementary education4 Non-formal education Both sexes All industries 19 7 53 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 16 : 46 Mining etc., manufacture, power and water supply 11 5 53 Construction 12 5 52 Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 26 4 44 Transportation and storage 12 5 52 Accommodation and food service activities 36 9 30 Information and communication 11 : 47 Financial and insurance activities 11 : 64 Real estate, scientific, technical, administrative and support service activities 15 6 54 Public adm., defence, soc. security 15 9 61 Education 24 13 56 Human health and social work activities 22 10 59 Other service activities 29 5 47 Males All industries 15 5 52 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 17 : 47 Mining etc., manufacture, power and water supply 9 4 54 Construction 12 5 52 Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 21 3 48 Transportation and storage 9 : 53 Accommodation and food service activities 31 : 28 Information and communication 9 : 43 Financial and insurance activities : : 68 Real estate, scientific, technical, administrative and support service activities 13 4 54 Public adm., defence, soc. security 13 8 61 Education 22 9 59 Human health and social work activities 25 13 65 Other service activities 25 : 47 Females All industries 23 9 53 Agriculture, forestry and fishing : : 41 Mining etc., manufacture, power and water supply 17 8 52 Construction : : 51 Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 32 5 39 Transportation and storage 24 : 51 Accommodation and food service activities 41 : 32 Information and communication 17 : 58 Financial and insurance activities : : 60 Real estate, scientific, technical, administrative and support service activities 18 7 55 Public adm., defence, soc. security 16 10 62 Education 25 15 54 Human health and social work activities 21 10 58 Other service activities 32 : 48 1Persons 15-66 years 2From 2021 there is a new Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Learning Conditions Monitor (LCM) questionnaire, which leads to a break in the time series 3Includes persons 15-59 years 4Includes persons 22-59 years Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Level of education for participants in formal education, formal supplementary education and non-formal education among employed and not employedDownload table as ...Level of education for participants in formal education, formal supplementary education and non-formal education among employed and not employed1 2
2024 Participants (per cent) Formal education3 Formal supplementary education4 Non-formal education Employed persons Males Total 15 5 52 Basic school level 33 4 42 Upper secondary education 12 5 51 Post-secondary vocational education : : 61 Higher education, short 15 7 57 Higher education, long 6 5 61 Unknown level of education : : : Females Total 23 9 53 Basic school level 46 6 36 Upper secondary education 20 7 44 Post-secondary vocational education : : 59 Higher education, short 22 11 58 Higher education, long 12 9 67 Unknown level of education : : : Not employed Males Total 40 5 18 Basic school level 52 3 21 Upper secondary education 26 5 13 Post-secondary vocational education : : : Higher education, short 42 10 16 Higher education, long : : 38 Unknown level of education . . : Females Total 34 7 17 Basic school level 45 5 15 Upper secondary education 25 4 14 Post-secondary vocational education : : : Higher education, short 32 14 22 Higher education, long : : 34 Unknown level of education : : : 1Persons 15-66 years 2From 2021 there is a new Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Learning Conditions Monitor (LCM) questionnaire, which leads to a break in the time series 3Includes persons 15-59 years 4Includes persons 22-59 years Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Occupational groups of participants in formal education, formal supplementary education and non-formal educationDownload table as ...Occupational groups of participants in formal education, formal supplementary education and non-formal education1 2
2024 Participants (per cent) Formal education3 Formal supplementary education4 Non-formal education Both sexes Managers 6 5 61 Professionals 15 9 61 Technicians and associate professionals 13 5 61 Clerical support workers 20 6 44 Service and sales workers 35 8 43 Craft and related trades workers 16 5 46 Plant and machine operators and assemblers 11 5 45 Other occupations 25 6 35 Males Managers : : 60 Professionals 11 6 58 Technicians and associate professionals 11 3 61 Clerical support workers 20 8 45 Service and sales workers 34 8 45 Craft and related trades workers 15 5 46 Plant and machine operators and assemblers 9 : 47 Other occupations 24 : 41 Females Managers 11 9 65 Professionals 18 11 63 Technicians and associate professionals 16 8 61 Clerical support workers 19 : 44 Service and sales workers 35 8 43 Craft and related trades workers : : 57 Plant and machine operators and assemblers : : 34 Other occupations 26 9 28 1Persons 15-66 years 2From 2021 there is a new Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Learning Conditions Monitor (LCM) questionnaire, which leads to a break in the time series 3Includes persons 15-59 years 4Includes persons 22-59 years Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 28 June 2024.
Concepts and definitions in the LFS are in accordance with recommendations given by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and EU/Eurostat. Through its participation in the European statistical cooperation, Statistics Norway is bound to follow and fulfull the requirements set by Eurostat (EUs statistical bureau) for the contents of the LFS.
According to the international recommendations, persons above a specified age should be classified by their attachment to the labour market in a specified, short period, either a day or a week. In the Norwegian LFS the reference period is one week, and the sample of persons are classified in relation to their situation in that reference week.
Employed persons are persons who performed work for pay or profit for at least one hour in the reference week, or who were temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays etc. Persons engaged by government measures to promote employment are also included if they receive wages. Persons who have been laid off up to three months are considered employed.
Lifelong learning
Lifelong learning is here defined as all organised learning activity undertaken throughout life, and which results in improving knowledge, know-how, skills, competences and/or qualifications for personal, social and/or professional reasons.
Education and formal education
Education and formal education includes all education leading to a qualification which is recognised in a (or the equivalent of a) national framework of qualification, e.g. elementary school, lower secondary school, modules or courses in upper secondary school, apprentices and practice candidates in upper secondary education, technical vocational schools, tertiary education giving official credit points and further education leading to a professional specialisation.
Formal supplementary education
Formal supplementary education includes education leading to a qualification which is recognised in a (or the equivalent of a) national framework of qualification. All formal supplementary education is also regarded as formal education, but not the other way around. Formal supplementary education is, in many cases, a specialization or an extention of a previously compleded education. In this statistics, formal supplementary education is defined as formal education taken by the following groups: 1) all persons aged 35-59 years that at the time of interview state that they have participated in formal education within the 12 past months, and 2) persons aged 22-34 years that at the time of interview state that thay have participated in formal education within the 12 past months, and at the same time have had a break/pause in their education of at least 3 years since the age of 19. In this statistics, formal supplementary education includes persons aged 22-59 years.
Non-formal education/training
Non-formal education/training is any organised learning activity that is not formal education. It includes courses, seminars and conferences (where learning is the main purpose), public lectures and private lessons not part of formal education. The definition of non-formal education/training used in the Learning Conditions Monitor does not include guided on-the-job training.
Both formal education and non-formal education/training are institutionalised forms of learning. This entails that there is an organisation providing structured arrangements (which must include something similar to a student-teacher-relationship) especially designed for education and learning.
Informal learning
Informal learning is not institutionalised learning. Thus, it is less organised and less structured than formal education and non-formal education/training, often undertaken by the individual on his/her own. It may include watching TV or reading a book with the intention to learn, intentional learning from colleagues or family members, guided tours in a museum etc. The importance of the intention to learn when undertaking an activity separates informal learning from random learning.
Learning-intensive work
Learning-intensive work refers to employment that requiers updating of skills and acquiring of new ones, with good possibilities to develop new skills during the daily work.
For discussions and examples used to clarify the differences between formal, non-formal and informal learning, see Eurostats Classification of Learning activities - Manual.
The industrial classification of economic activities is in accordance with the Standard industrial Classification (SN2007). The standard is based on the EU standard (NACE rev. 2).
Occupation is coded in accordance with the Standard classification of occupations, based on International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08).
Educational attainment level is primarily based on information from register information in the National Education Database according to theclassification of eudcation (NUS2000). In cases where the respondent lacks register information, the respondent is asked. The definitions of the different educational levels were revised in 2006.