Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Norwegian for adult immigrants

The statistics includes (1) participants in Norwegian language training and social studies, (2) participants in Norwegian language training for asylum seekers and (3) test results for the Norwegian language test and social studies test. The schemes are governed by the Introduction Act.

Updated: 21 June 2024
Next update: 19 June 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Main figures for Norwegian language training
    Main figures for Norwegian language training
    Number of participantsChange in percent
    202220232022 - 2023
    Norwegian language training and social studies1 28 37947 04965.8
    Males8 83116 65088.5
    Females19 54830 39955.5
    Norwegian language training for asylum seekers1 1 0963 966261.9
    1Respectively 155 persons in 2021 and 222 persons in 2020 participated in both schemes during the year.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 10 June 2021.

Participant in Norwegian language training and social studies

Person with the right and/or obligation to participate in Norwegian language training and social studies pursuant to The Introduction Act at the start of the calendar year, who have taken part in at least one hour of lessons during the year. Statistics from Skills Norway cover all test results, including tests that were submitted by persons who are not covered by The Introduction Act.

Right and/or obligation to participate

Age and basis for residence pursuant to the Immigration Act determine whether a person has the right and/or obligation to participate . The right is defined as an entitlement to a specific number of hours of free training in Norwegian language and social studies. The obligation emphasises the expectation of individual responsibility to participate in the training. Persons with the obligation, but not right to participate, shall pay for the training.

The Introduction Act does not include any provisions on sanctions in the event of non-compliance with the obligation. However, as from 1 January 2017, permanent residence under the Immigration Act and Norwegian citizenship pursuant to the Norwegian Nationality Act will be conditional on documentation of completed mandatory studies pursuant to the Introduction Act, as well as linguistic skills at a certain level and a pass in the final exam in social studies.

Read more about Norwegian Language training and social studies on IMDi's website.

Participant in Norwegian language training for asylum seekers

Person residing in an asylum reception center who has participated in at least 1 hour of Norwegian language training for asylum seekers during the calendar yer.

Person who has taken the Norwegian language test

Person with the right and/or obligation to participate in Norwegian language training and social studies pursuant to the Introduction Act, who has taken at least one of the four parts of the Norwegian exam during the calendar year.

Person who has taken the social studies test

Person with the right and/or obligation to participate in Norwegian language training and social studies pursuant to the Introduction Act, who has taken at least one test in social studies during the calendar year.

Country of birth

Refers to the country where a person was born, that is the mother's country of residence at te time of birth.

Period of residence

A person’s period of residence in whole years calculated from the date of first immigration to the end of the statistical year.

Reason for immigration

Is the basis for initial immigration of non-Nordic citizens. The variable is only used in tables up to the statistical year 2014.

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