Adults in primary and lower secondary school

Updated: 21 March 2024

Next update: 20 March 2025

Share of females in primary and lower secondary school for adults
Share of females in primary and lower secondary school for adults
Adult participants in primary and lower secondary school
Adult participants in primary and lower secondary school
Both sexesMalesFemalesUnknown sexShare of malesShare of females
Years, total8 1502 4665 49119330.367.4
16-19 years1 049631418060.239.8
20-29 years1 6806031 077035.964.1
30-39 years2 6315462 085020.879.2
40-49 years1 8794521 427024.175.9
50 years or older705224481031.868.2
Unknown age2061031934.91.5
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Adult participants in primary and lower secondary school, by region and sex
    Adult participants in primary and lower secondary school, by region and sex
    Both sexesMalesFemalesUnknown sex
    The whole country8 1502 4665 491193
    Oslo1 8544451 4081
    Møre og Romsdal258871629
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage6322253998
    Nordland - Nordlánnda32112018120
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa231741498
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku8433501
    Explanation of symbols
  • Adult participants in primary and lower secondary school, by module and sex
    Adult participants in primary and lower secondary school, by module and sex1
    Both sexesMalesFemalesUnknown sex
    Total3 8071 1422 57491
    Module 150316930133
    Module 282123156822
    Module 31 09731077215
    Module 41 26139685114
    Basic module12536827
    1Includes only participants with module-structured training
    Explanation of symbols
  • Adult participants in primary and lower secondary school, by country background
    Adult participants in primary and lower secondary school, by country background
    Number of participantsShare of participants
    Total8 150100.0
    Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)4505.5
    Somalia1 10913.6
    South Sudan750.9
    Iran (Islamic Republic of)1381.7
    Syrian Arab Republic (the)2 35428.9
    Rest of the countries1 02012.5
    Explanation of symbols
  • Adult participants in primary and lower secondary school, by years of residence
    Adult participants in primary and lower secondary school, by years of residence
    Number of participantsShare of participants
    Total8 150100.0
    Under 1 year of residence1491.8
    1 year of residence6097.5
    2 years of residence99212.2
    3 years of residence6397.8
    4 years of residence7629.3
    5 years of residence7278.9
    6 years of residence88010.8
    7 years of residence8039.9
    8 years of residence4335.3
    9 years of residence2453.0
    10 years or more of residence1 62920.0
    Not immigrated891.1
    Unknown years of residence1932.4
    Explanation of symbols
  • Adult participants in primary and lower secondary school, by age, sex and share of immigrants
    Adult participants in primary and lower secondary school, by age, sex and share of immigrants
    Both sexesMalesFemalesUnknown sexShare of all immigrants, both sexesShare of all immigrants, malesShare of all immigrants, females
    Years, total8 1502 4665 4911931.00.61.4
    16-19 years1 04963141803.44.02.8
    20-29 years1 6806031 07701.41.01.8
    30-39 years2 6315462 08501.20.51.9
    40-49 years1 8794521 42700.90.41.5
    50 years or older70522448100.30.20.4
    Unknown age2061031930.00.00.0
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics cover participants and measures in primary and lower secondary school for adults. Participants from both module-structured and regular education are included in the statistics.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 20 March 2024.


A person who, during the reference period, was registered by a municipality, school, or adult education center as a participant in primary and lower secondray school for adults according to section 4A-1 of the Education Act.

Adults in primary and lower secondary school

Section 4A-1 of the Education Act states that adults in need of primary and lower secondary school training have an individual right to education. Adults who cannot benefit satisfactorily from regular education are entitled to special education under section 4A-2 of the Education Act. The municipality is responsible for providing such education.

Module-structured education

Module-structured education ( involves organizing the education into smaller units. Participants are to be assessed and placed in the module that best matches the competence they already possess. The levels range from module 1 to module 4. In addition, there is a basic module for participants who have not previously learned to read and write.


Individuals who are born abroad to two foreign-born parents and have four foreign-born grandparents.

Norwegian-born with immigrant parents.

Individuals who are born in Norway to two foreign-born parents and have four foreign-born grandparents.

Country Background

Own, or possibly mother's, father's, or grandparents' foreign country of birth. For individuals born abroad, this is (with few exceptions) their own country of birth. For individuals born in Norway, it is the country of birth of their parents. In cases where the parents have different countries of birth, the mother's country of birth is chosen.

Age of participants according to the Standard for Age Classification.

Name: Adults in Primary and lower secondary school

Subject: Education

20 March 2025

Section for Education and Culture Statistics

National and county level


Not relevant

Collected and revised data are stored securely by Statistics Norway in compliance with applicable legislation on data processing.

Statistics Norway can grant access to the source data (de-identified or anonymised microdata) on which the statistics are based, for researchers and public authorities for the purposes of preparing statistical results and analyses. Access can be granted upon application and subject to conditions. Refer to the details about this at Access to data from Statistics Norway.

The statistics Adults in primary and lower secondary school aim to identify who the participants are, how the education is conducted, and how the participants who start the education fare.

The data is collected through mandatory reporting from municipalities and adult education centers. In the autumn of 2022, Statistics Norway (SSB) conducted a pilot reporting where adult education centers and municipalities reported all adult participants in primary and lower secondary school. This data collection resulted in the article "Hvem er deltakerne i grunnskoleopplæring for voksne?" which was published in August, 2023.

In the autumn of 2023, the first regular data collection was conducted, and the statistics Adults in primary and lower secondary school was first published in March 2024.

Users of the statistics are key authorities such as the Ministry of Education and Research (KD), the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion (AID), the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir), and the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (Udir).

Municipalities, educational institutions, researchers, students, and the media are also among the users.

No external users have access to statistics before they are released at 8 a.m. on after at least three months’ advance notice in the release calendar. This is one of the most important principles in Statistics Norway for ensuring the equal treatment of users.

The statistics can also be seen in connection with statistics such as Pupils in primary and lower secondary school, KOSTRA - Municipal Stat Reporting, Adult education, Introduction programme for immigrants, Norwegian for Adult Immigrants, and Lifelong learning.

Data on adults in primary school education are collected annually in the database Grunnskolens informasjonssystem (GSI) ( The data here is not collected at the individual level, as in the Adults in primary and lower secondary school statistics.

The statistics are developed, produced and disseminated pursuant to Act no. 32 of 21 June 2019 relating to official statistics and Statistics Norway (the Statistics Act).

The statistics are part of the national program for official statistics 2024-2027, in the main area of Education, the sub-area of Primary Schools, emphasizing that the statistics cover adult participants in primary schools.

Not relevant

The statistics for adults in primary and lower secondary school include information about each participant, reported by the municipality or adult education centre to which the participant is affiliated. The statistics cover all those registered as participants in the relevant period/school year. It provides information about the participant's sex, age, and country background. Information about modules, subjects, number of lessons and status of education are also collected.

The statistics are based on information which the municipality or adult education centre has reported to Statistics Norway, via Altinn. The reporting is mandatory.

Data Collection
Statistics on participants in adult education are based on information reported by municipalities or adult education centres to Statistics Norway (SSB). The information is reported on a form prepared by SSB for these statistics.


Editing is defined here as checking, examining and amending data.

When reported to SSB, the data are initially checked whether the form is filled out correctly and if there are any obvious errors. After the data is machine-readable, more detailed controls are conducted, in addition to controls against the previous survey and other available data. All Personal ID-numbers are checked for errors and subsequently pseudonymized.

Not relevant

Interviewers and everyone who works at Statistics Norway have a duty of confidentiality. Statistics Norway has its own data protection officer.

Statistics Norway does not publish figures where there is a risk of identifying individual data about persons or households.

More information can be found on Statistics Norway’s website under Methods in official statistics, in the ‘Confidentiality’ section.

A pilot reporting was conducted in 2022. After the pilot reporting, an evaluation report was published in 2023. As a result of this evaluation, several changes were made from the data collection in 2022 to the data collection in 2023, documented in the evaluation report.

Some errors related to the collection and processing of data may occur. These can be code errors, revision errors, errors in data processing, etc. However, work has been done to minimize such errors.

A revision is a planned change to figures that have already been published, for example when releasing final figures as a follow-up to published preliminary figures. See also Statistics Norway’s principles for revisions.
