Other service activities, turnover (discontinued)3rd period 2012


All releases for Other service activities, turnover (discontinued) - every two months

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
16 April 2009 6th period 2008 NOK 7.2 billion on hair and beauty in 2008
5 February 2009 5th period 2008 NOK 1.2 billion on hair and beauty
3 December 2008 4th period 2008 NOK 1.7 billion within personal services
2 October 2008 3rd period 2008 Increased turnover within personal services
26 August 2008 2nd period 2008 Strong growth in washing and dry cleaning
9 June 2008 1st period 2008 Hair and beauty for NOK 1 billion
17 April 2008 6th period 2007 Turnover growth for hair and beauty
6 February 2008 5th period 2007 Growth in washing and dry cleaning
4 December 2007 4th period 2007 More than NOK 1 billion on hair and beauty
4 October 2007 3rd period 2007 Steady rise in hair and beauty spending
28 August 2007 2nd period 2007 Strong growth in funeral businesses
4 June 2007 1st period 2007 Spending on services continues to increase
18 April 2007 6th period 2006 We spend more money on hair and beauty
8 February 2007 5th period 2006 7 per cent increase in washing and dry cleaning
28 November 2006 4th period 2006 Spending on services continues to increase