Marriages and divorces2000


All releases for Marriages and divorces - annually, detailed figures

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
22 February 2019 2018 2018
23 February 2018 2017 2017
23 February 2017 2016 Fewest marriages since 2006
19 February 2016 2015 Falling divorce trend continues
19 February 2015 2014 Further drop in divorces and separations
20 February 2014 2013 Fewer marriages, divorces and separations
21 February 2013 2012 More marriages – slightly fewer divorces
23 February 2012 2011 Fewer marriages - stable divorce numbers
24 February 2011 2010 Fewer marriages
18 February 2010 2009 Stable marriage and divorce numbers
19 February 2009 2008 25 100 marriages and 10 200 divorces
25 February 2008 2007 Increase in marriages in 2007
22 February 2007 2006 Fewer marriages and divorces in 2006
23 February 2006 2005 22 400 marriages and 11 000 divorces
1 September 2005 2004 Marriages stable - divorces continue to rise

All releases for Marriages and divorces - annually, main figures (discontinued)

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
22 February 2019 2018 2018
23 February 2018 2017 2017
23 February 2017 2016 Fewest marriages since 2006
19 February 2016 2015 Falling divorce trend continues
19 February 2015 2014 Further drop in divorces and separations
20 February 2014 2013 Fewer marriages, divorces and separations
21 February 2013 2012 More marriages – slightly fewer divorces
23 February 2012 2011 Fewer marriages - stable divorce numbers
24 February 2011 2010 Fewer marriages
18 February 2010 2009 Stable marriage and divorce numbers
19 February 2009 2008 25 100 marriages and 10 200 divorces
25 February 2008 2007 Increase in marriages in 2007
22 February 2007 2006 Fewer marriages and divorces in 2006
23 February 2006 2005 22 400 marriages and 11 000 divorces
1 September 2005 2004 Marriages stable - divorces continue to rise