Articles for investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply

Articles, analysis, and publications


  1. Final investments for 2024 covering oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply increased sharply compared to 2023. It is particularly the investments in oil and gas industry that contribute to this strong increase. Investments in electricity supply contributed also to this increment, while investment in manufacturing showed some decreased. The latest estimates for 2025 indicate a further investment growth.

  2. Total investments in oil and gas activity in 2024, including pipeline transportation, ended at NOK 251 billion in 2024. In nominal terms, this is 16.7 per cent more than in 2023. For 2025, operators on the Norwegian continental shelf now estimate investments to be NOK 254 billion, which is only marginally higher than the estimate given in the previous quarter.


  1. Total investments in oil and gas activity in 2024, including pipeline transportation, are estimated at NOK 253 billion. This is NOK 12.4 billion more than estimated in the previous quarter. The estimate for 2024 is now NOK 256 billion.

  2. Companies’ latest investment estimates for 2024 within oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply indicate a sharp increase in 2024. Early estimates indicate that the growth will continue in 2025 as well. It is oil and gas and electricity supply that contribute most to the growth both in 2024 and 2025.

  3. Total investments in oil and gas activity in 2024, including pipeline transportation, are in accrued value estimated at NOK 257 billion, which is 4.1 per cent higher than estimated in the previous quarter.

  4. Companies’ latest investment estimates for 2024 within oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply indicate a sharp increase in 2024. Early estimates indicate that the growth will continue in 2025 as well. It is oil and gas that contribute most to the growth both in 2024 and 2025.

  5. Total investments in oil and gas activity in 2025, including pipeline transportation, are estimated at NOK 216 billion, which is 5.2 per cent higher than estimated in the previous quarter.

  6. Companies’ latest investment estimates for 2024 within oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply indicate a sharp increase in 2024. Early estimates indicate that the growth will continue in 2025 as well. It is oil and gas that contribute most to the growth both in 2024 and 2025.

  7. Total investments in oil and gas activity in 2024, including pipeline transportation, are estimated at NOK 244 billion, which is 5 per cent higher than estimated in the previous quarter.

  8. Final investments for 2023 covering oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply increased sharply compared to 2022. It is particularly the investments in oil and gas industry that contribute to this strong increase.


  1. The latest investment estimates from companies within oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply indicate a strong growth in 2023. Although it is the growth in oil investments that is most important for the overall increase, investments in industry are at a record high level.

  2. Total investments in oil and gas activity in 2024, including pipeline transportation, are estimated at NOK 232 billion. This is NOK 25.3 billion more than estimated in the previous quarter. The estimate for 2023 is now NOK 216 billion.

  3. Total investments in oil and gas activity in 2023, including pipeline transportation, are estimated at NOK 213 billion, which is 7.8 per cent higher than estimated in the previous quarter.

  4. The companies’ latest investment estimates for 2023 indicate a strong growth within oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and quarrying and electricity supply. It is the oil and gas investments that contribute to the growth, as well as an increase in the manufacturing investments.

  5. Total investments in oil and gas activity in 2023, including pipeline transportation, are estimated at NOK 197.8 billion, which is 5.3 per cent higher than estimated in the previous quarter.