Structural business statistics for water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities2011, final figures


All releases for Structural business statistics for water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities - annually, final figures

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
29 April 2019 2017 2017
18 April 2018 2016 2016
1 June 2017 2015 2015
19 April 2016 2014 NOK 22.8 billion turnover
14 April 2015 2013 NOK 22.3 billion turnover
7 May 2014 2012 NOK 22.4 billion turnover
29 May 2013 2011 Higher turnover for waste activities
19 June 2012 2010 Increase in materials recovery turnover
24 June 2011 2009 Highest turnover for waste collection
21 May 2010 2008 Highest turnover for waste collection

All releases for Structural business statistics for water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities - annually, preliminary figures

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
29 April 2019 2017 2017
18 April 2018 2016 2016
1 June 2017 2015 2015
19 April 2016 2014 NOK 22.8 billion turnover
14 April 2015 2013 NOK 22.3 billion turnover
7 May 2014 2012 NOK 22.4 billion turnover
29 May 2013 2011 Higher turnover for waste activities
19 June 2012 2010 Increase in materials recovery turnover
24 June 2011 2009 Highest turnover for waste collection
21 May 2010 2008 Highest turnover for waste collection