Starting from the September-index, which will be published in October, the publication date for the Producer Price Index and Price Index for first-hand domestic sales will be changed from the 10th of the following month to the 9th of the following month. When the 9th falls on a holiday, the publication will occur the next working day.
Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Price index of first-hand domestic sales
The price index of first-hand domestic sales (PIF) measures the price development of first-hand sales of goods to the Norwegian market. That means goods from Norwegian production sold in Norway and imported goods. From the publication of the January index 2024, The reference year is changed to 2021=100. Earlier the reference year was 2015=100.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Price index of first-hand domestic sales. 2021=100Download table as ...Price index of first-hand domestic sales. 2021=1001
Product groups Changes in per cent Index Weights January 2025 - February 2025 February 2024 - February 2025 February 2025 Total index 2.0 5.3 137.9 1 000.0 Food 0.9 3.5 140.4 240.8 Beverages and tobacco 0.6 3.1 117.4 17.0 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 1.8 11.7 140.6 37.9 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 10.0 10.3 167.4 138.1 Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. 1.6 6.1 142.0 85.3 Manufactured goods classified by material 0.6 6.3 134.2 135.3 Machinery and transport equipment 0.1 3.0 123.3 225.6 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 0.5 3.5 125.0 105.9 1Starting with the index for January 2024, published 9 February 2024, the reference year for PIF is changed to 2021 (2021 = 100). Published figures for December for product group SITC03, SITC74, SITC76, SITC77 and SITC89 with higher aggregates were withdrawn on 13 January 2023 due to an error in the calculation model. The figures were corrected and published again on 18 January 2023. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 7 October 2024.
A chained Young formula is used in the production of the index. This is a version of a Laspeyres formula. A Laspeyres formula is characterised by constant weights for a given time period. A chained Laspeyres index is an index made up by several Laspeyres indices with various weights.
The Norwegian market is a joint description of all goods produced and purchased in Norway. Price regarding sales to the Norwegian market is defined ab fabric (ex works) and should refer to the sales price out of the factory on the 15th of the month.
The import market refers to goods produced outside Norway, purchased by Norwegian firms. Prices are measured CIF (cost, insurance, freight) at the national border.
Imputed value is the estimated value where observations are missing.
The elementary level is the lowest level in which indices are computed, the level below the lowest level in which weights are used. In the PIF the elementary level is the HS product.
The weight share is the share of the HS product in the total index.