Price index of first-hand domestic sales15 April 2009


All releases for Price index of first-hand domestic sales - monthly

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
10 September 2007 15 August 2007 Record low electricity prices
10 August 2007 15 July 2007 Rain and flooding affect price indices
10 July 2007 15 June 2007 Increase in energy prices
11 June 2007 15 May 2007 Increase in commodity prices
10 May 2007 15 April 2007 Rise in prices of energy goods and wood
10 April 2007 15 March 2007 Electricity prices down, petroleum up
9 March 2007 15 February 2007 Energy prices bounce back
9 February 2007 15 January 2007 Fall in energy prices
10 January 2007 15 December 2006 Strong decrease in electricity prices
11 December 2006 15 November 2006 Price fall in energy goods
10 November 2006 15 October 2006 Increased import prices in crude materials
10 October 2006 15 September 2006 Cheaper food
11 September 2006 15 August 2006 Increase in first-hand prices
10 August 2006 15 July 2006 Increase in food and energy prices
10 July 2006 15 June 2006 Leap in electricity prices