Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Retail sales, investment statistics

The statistics describes the development in final investments for retail trade. Investments cover all acquisitions of new business equipment/assets with a lifetime of more than one year. Investments in used equipment are not included, while total renovation and assets acquired from financial leasing are included.

Updated: 12 February 2025
Next update: 7 May 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Final and estimated investments in retail sales. Value index. 2021 = 100
    Final and estimated investments in retail sales. Value index. 2021 = 100
    Original seriesSeasonally adjusted series
    IndexChange in per centIndexChange in per cent
    4th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 20243rd quarter 2024 - 4th quarter 2024
    Retail trade, except of motor vehicles109.1133.822.6106.7109.82.9
    Machines and inventory121.7153.125.8123.2122.5-0.6
    Motor vehicles and other means of transport141.4106.6-24.690.488.5-2.1
    New buildings and renovation83.4107.729.183.490.38.3
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 10 January 2024.

Establishment is defined as a locally delimited functional unit which mainlyoperates within a particular industry group (Standard Industrial Classification).

Investments: All acquisitions of new business equipment/assets with a lifetime of more than one year. Investments in used equipment are not included, while total renovation and assets acquired from financial leasing are included. Operational leasing is not included. With this kind of leasing the ownership and responsibility for the object is not transferred from the lessor. Machines, fixtures, vehicles and other means of transport are reported in the quarter they were received even if they have not been paid for or capitalised in the accounts. Machinery and equipment include investments in software. For dwellings started before the end of the quarter, only costs accrued in the given quarter are included. Value added tax is reported in net value, which means that refunded VAT is not to be included, whereas non-refundable VAT is to be included.

Final investments: Acquisitions made by the establishments in a given quarter. The concept of final investments does not necessarily imply that the acquired material has been put to use.

Estimated investments: Acquisitions that the establishments expect to make in the short and medium term. These figures can be based on approved plans, anticipations, etc. They are usually more uncertain in the longer term.

Machines and inventory: This includes for example computer equipment, software, cash registers, cleaning equipment, time clocks, alarm installations, video, TV, furniture, parts including assembly, and also tools with a lifetime of more than one year.

Motor vehicles and other means of transport: Motor vehicles, trailers and other means of transport.

New buildings and renovation: New buildings and total renovation of shops, storehouses, office buildings, manufacturing plants and social welfare installations.

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