Building statisticsJune 2009


All releases for Building statistics - monthly

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
15 April 2005 February 2005 Less new dwellings in February
14 March 2005 January 2005 More new buildings than last year
14 February 2005 December 2004 Record high building of new dwellings
13 January 2005 November 2004 Continued increase in new dwellings
17 December 2004 October 2004 24 400 new dwellings
17 November 2004 September 2004 20 600 new dwellings
18 October 2004 August 2004 More new dwellings in August
16 September 2004 July 2004 20 per cent more building starts
23 August 2004 June 2004 More than 3 000 new dwellings in Oslo
22 July 2004 May 2004 Increase in dwelling starts
18 June 2004 April 2004 More new dwellings
19 May 2004 March 2004 Stable building of dwellings
19 April 2004 February 2004 Increased building of dwellings
18 March 2004 January 2004 Less new detached dwellings in January
17 February 2004 December 2003 Stability in building of dwellings

All releases for Building statistics - quarterly

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
15 April 2005 Q0.666666666666666667 2005 Less new dwellings in February
14 March 2005 Q0.333333333333333333 2005 More new buildings than last year
14 February 2005 Q4 2004 Record high building of new dwellings
13 January 2005 Q3.666666666666666667 2004 Continued increase in new dwellings
17 December 2004 Q3.333333333333333333 2004 24 400 new dwellings
17 November 2004 Q3 2004 20 600 new dwellings
18 October 2004 Q2.666666666666666667 2004 More new dwellings in August
16 September 2004 Q2.333333333333333333 2004 20 per cent more building starts
23 August 2004 Q2 2004 More than 3 000 new dwellings in Oslo
22 July 2004 Q1.666666666666666667 2004 Increase in dwelling starts
18 June 2004 Q1.333333333333333333 2004 More new dwellings
19 May 2004 Q1 2004 Stable building of dwellings
19 April 2004 Q0.666666666666666667 2004 Increased building of dwellings
18 March 2004 Q0.333333333333333333 2004 Less new detached dwellings in January
17 February 2004 Q4 2003 Stability in building of dwellings

All releases for Building statistics - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
15 April 2005 2005 Less new dwellings in February
14 March 2005 2005 More new buildings than last year
14 February 2005 2004 Record high building of new dwellings
13 January 2005 2004 Continued increase in new dwellings
17 December 2004 2004 24 400 new dwellings
17 November 2004 2004 20 600 new dwellings
18 October 2004 2004 More new dwellings in August
16 September 2004 2004 20 per cent more building starts
23 August 2004 2004 More than 3 000 new dwellings in Oslo
22 July 2004 2004 Increase in dwelling starts
18 June 2004 2004 More new dwellings
19 May 2004 2004 Stable building of dwellings
19 April 2004 2004 Increased building of dwellings
18 March 2004 2004 Less new detached dwellings in January
17 February 2004 2003 Stability in building of dwellings