Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Shares of immigrants among employees in establishments 2012 Reports 2014/25 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants, Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Sharp rise in job insecurity for among oil workers Articles Labour market and earnings
Short term jobs: Who change their job within one year Reports 2020/12 Labour market and earnings
Stable employment Articles Labour market and earnings
Stable unemployment Articles Labour market and earnings
Stable unemployment Articles Labour market and earnings
Stable unemployment Articles Labour market and earnings,
Stable unemployment Articles Labour market and earnings,
Statistics Norway from cell offices to open landscape: a survey from Department of Administration Reports 2013/22 Labour market and earnings
Still fewer unemployed immigrants Articles Labour market and earnings
Study of labour mobility showing employment and migration among immigrants Reports 2016/06 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants, Population
Teacher Projections 2016-2040 Reports 2018/35 Labour market and earnings, Education
Teacher Projections 2019-2040 Reports 2021/11 Labour market and earnings, Education
Technological changes and skill composition: evidence from matched employer-employee data Documents 2010/06 Labour market and earnings
The demand for labour by education: a sectoral model of the Norwegian economy Reports 2013/41 Labour market and earnings