Statistics Norway publications
Results (3085)
Title | Series/nr | Date | Topic |
Significant asset gains increase government holdings | Articles | Public sector | |
Manufacturing turnover still at a high level | Articles | Energy and manufacturing | |
Slow growth in the mainland economy | Articles | National accounts and business cycles | |
Unchanged manufacturing output | Articles | Energy and manufacturing | |
Revisions to the financial accounts | Articles | National accounts and business cycles, Banking and financial markets | |
Weak current account balance | Articles | External economy, National accounts and business cycles | |
A large increase in export price of fresh salmon | Articles | External economy, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing | |
More guest nights in January | Articles | Transport and tourism, Svalbard | |
Decreased growth in domestic loan debt | Articles | Banking and financial markets | |
Increase in retail sales | Articles | Wholesale and retail trade and service activities, Income and consumption | |
Population growth at 39 400 in 2019 | Articles | Population, Immigration and immigrants | |
Unemployment at 3.9 per cent | Articles | Labour market and earnings | |
A large increase in export price of fresh salmon | Articles | External economy, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing | |
Cabin rentals popular with foreigners | Articles | Transport and tourism | |
Oil investment estimate for 2020 upward adjusted | Articles | Energy and manufacturing |