Rental market survey2016


All releases for Rental market survey - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
12 December 2016 2016 Highest rents in Oslo
14 December 2015 2015 Large variations in rents
19 March 2015 2014 Highest rents in Oslo
18 April 2013 2012 Highest rents in Oslo and Bærum
28 April 2014 2013 Large variations in rents
19 October 2012 2012 Highest rent increase for 2-room dwellings
26 April 2012 2012 Highest rent increase for 2-room dwellings
20 August 2012 2012 Highest rent increase for 1-room dwellings
29 March 2012 2011 Geographical location determines rent level
24 June 2011 2011 Highest rents in Oslo
24 August 2011 2011 Minor changes in rents
21 October 2011 2011 Highest rent increase for 1-room dwellings
20 January 2011 2010 Rents rose most in large cities
21 August 2007 2007 Slight increase in rents
24 January 2007 2006 Strongest rent increase for 3-room dwellings
12 June 2007 2007 Higher rents in densely populated areas
13 November 2006 2006 Highest rent increase for small dwellings
13 October 2006 2006 Highest rents in Oslo and Bærum
20 January 2009 2008 Continued strong increase for small dwellings
20 August 2008 2008 Strong rent increase for small dwellings
17 January 2008 2007 Strongest increase for 2 room dwellings
18 October 2007 2007 Rent increase for larger dwellings
21 October 2008 2008 Strong rent increase for 1-room dwellings
24 June 2008 2008 Highest rents in Oslo
21 October 2009 2009 Minor changes in rents
17 June 2010 2010 Wide geographical variations in rents
17 June 2009 2009 Highest rents in Oslo and Bærum
20 January 2010 2009 Slight growth in rents
20 August 2009 2009 Rents in Oslo and Bærum rose the most
21 October 2010 2010 Strongest rent increase in large cities
23 August 2010 2010 Small changes in rents