Wholesale and retail trade, structural statistics2014


All releases for Wholesale and retail trade, structural statistics - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
18 April 2016 2014 Growth in retail trade in 2014 strongest for six years
4 November 2015 2014 Stable growth in construction
17 April 2015 2013 Weak growth for wholesale and retail trade continues
5 November 2014 2013 Weaker growth in construction
13 May 2014 2012 Weaker growth for wholesale and retail trade
6 November 2013 2012 Construction turnover reached NOK 408 billion
16 May 2007 2005 Wholesale and retail trade up 7 per cent
13 May 2008 2006 Wholesale and retail trade rose by NOK 83 billion
6 May 2009 2007 Wholesale and retail trade rose by NOK 100 billion
12 June 2006 2004 Wholesale and retail trade rose by NOK 100 billion
13 June 2013 2011 Continued growth for wholesale and retail trade in 2011
6 November 2012 2011 Solid growth within construction
7 June 2012 2010 Growth for wholesale and retail trade in 2010
17 June 2011 2009 Decline in wholesale and retail trade in 2009
1 November 2011 2010 Moderate turnover growth in construction
30 November 2000 1998 342 000 employed in wholesale and retail trade
11 September 2001 1999 Wholesale and retail trade rose by 25 billion
14 August 2002 2000 Wholesale and retail trade rose by 57 billion
21 July 2003 2001 Wholesale and retail trade rose by 17 billion
9 June 2005 2003 Retail trade rose by NOK 10 billion
25 June 2004 2002 Retail trade rose by NOK 13 billion
28 May 2010 2008 The lowest growth in 5 years for wholesale and retail trade
8 November 2002 2001 Construction enterprises increased by 1 342
4 November 2003 2002 Increased employment in building and construction
29 October 2004 2003 Turnover of NOK 164.5 billion in construction
4 November 2010 2009 Construction sales down 10 per cent
1 November 2005 2004 Turnover of NOK 181 billion in construction
1 November 2007 2006 Solid growth in construction
29 October 2008 2007 Construction sales up 21 per cent
30 October 2006 2005 Turnover of NOK 204 billion in construction
29 October 2009 2008 Construction sales up 10 per cent