Construction turnover (discontinued)5th period 2016


All releases for Construction turnover (discontinued) - every two months

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
15 February 2017 5th period 2016 Stable growth in construction turnover
15 December 2016 4th period 2016 Continued growth in construction
20 October 2016 3rd period 2016 Continued growth in construction
8 September 2016 2nd period 2016 Continued growth in construction
22 June 2016 1st period 2016 Growth in construction turnover
21 April 2016 6th period 2015 Decline in construction industry in Rogaland in 2015
11 February 2016 5th period 2015 Decline in specialised construction activities
15 December 2015 4th period 2015 Construction turnover of NOK 58.2 billion
22 October 2015 3rd period 2015 Construction turnover of NOK 71.6 billion
9 September 2015 2nd period 2015 Continued growth in construction
23 June 2015 1st period 2015 Growth in construction turnover
23 April 2015 6th period 2014 Growth in construction turnover in 2014
13 February 2015 5th period 2014 Growth in construction turnover
11 December 2014 4th period 2014 Weaker growth in construction turnover
23 October 2014 3rd period 2014 Stable growth in construction turnover
9 September 2014 2nd period 2014 Growth in construction turnover
25 June 2014 1st period 2014 Growth in construction turnover
24 April 2014 6th period 2013 Growth in construction turnover
30 March 2009 6th period 2008 Turnover up by 9.7 per cent
4 December 2009 4th period 2009 Turnover decline in construction
8 October 2008 3rd period 2008 Turnover up by 16 per cent
3 December 2008 4th period 2008 Slowdown of growth in construction
17 April 2008 6th period 2007 High turnover growth in construction
16 June 2009 1st period 2009 Turnover decline in construction
2 October 2007 3rd period 2007 Turnover up by 22.9 per cent
22 October 2010 3rd period 2010 Turnover growth in construction
12 February 2014 5th period 2013 Growth in construction turnover
11 December 2013 4th period 2013 Growth in construction turnover
23 October 2013 3rd period 2013 Growth in construction turnover
4 September 2013 2nd period 2013 Growth in construction turnover
9 June 2008 1st period 2008 Turnover growth in construction
24 August 2009 2nd period 2009 Turnover decline in construction
28 November 2007 4th period 2007 High growth in construction turnover
4 June 2007 1st period 2007 Turnover growth in construction
29 January 2009 5th period 2008 Turnover growth in construction
28 January 2008 5th period 2007 21 per cent growth in turnover
26 August 2008 2nd period 2008 18.4 per cent growth in construction
12 October 2009 3rd period 2009 Turnover decline in construction industry
5 June 2013 1st period 2013 Growth in construction turnover
26 April 2013 6th period 2012 Growth in construction turnover
12 February 2013 5th period 2012 Growth in construction turnover
25 January 2010 5th period 2009 12 per cent turnover decline in construction
4 December 2012 4th period 2012 Growth in construction turnover
23 March 2010 6th period 2009 Turnover down by 10.6 per cent
2 June 2010 1st period 2010 Turnover decline in construction
28 August 2012 2nd period 2012 Growth in construction turnover
19 October 2012 3rd period 2012 Growth in construction turnover
3 May 2012 6th period 2011 Growth in construction turnover
6 June 2012 1st period 2012 Growth in construction turnover
8 February 2012 5th period 2011 Growth in construction turnover
6 December 2011 4th period 2011 Growth in construction turnover
26 August 2011 2nd period 2011 8 per cent growth in turnover
20 October 2011 3rd period 2011 Growth in construction turnover
7 June 2011 1st period 2011 Turnover growth in construction
8 February 2011 5th period 2010 Moderate turnover growth in construction
6 April 2011 6th period 2010 Moderate turnover growth in construction
3 December 2010 4th period 2010 Moderate turnover growth in construction
5 July 2001 1st period 2001 3.5 per cent turnover growth
1 March 2001 5th period 2000 Turnover growth in construction
15 May 2001 6th period 2000 6 per cent turnover growth
15 October 2002 3rd period 2002 Turnover growth in construction industry
9 July 2002 6th period 2001 High turnover growth in construction
25 March 2002 4th period 2001 Turnover growth in construction industry
25 August 2003 2nd period 2003 Turnover increased by 7.9 per cent
4 February 2003 5th period 2002 7.1 per cent turnover growth
23 April 2003 6th period 2002 4.3 per cent growth in construction industry
2 December 2002 4th period 2002 Turnover decline in construction industry
28 January 2004 5th period 2003 Turnover growth in construction industry
6 October 2003 3rd period 2003 Turnover growth in construction industry
19 November 2003 4th period 2003 Turnover growth in construction industry
27 September 2004 3rd period 2004 Turnover growth in construction
2 July 2004 1st period 2004 1.3 per cent growth in construction industry
19 April 2004 6th period 2003 4.1 per cent growth in construction industry
18 August 2004 2nd period 2004 5.3 per cent growth in construction
24 January 2005 5th period 2004 Turnover growth in construction industry
16 March 2005 6th period 2004 11 per cent increase in construction
22 November 2004 4th period 2004 Turnover increased by 7.5 per cent
18 November 2005 4th period 2005 13.7 per cent growth in construction
22 August 2005 2nd period 2005 9.1 per cent growth in construction industry
28 September 2005 3rd period 2005 Turnover growth in construction
8 June 2005 1st period 2005 Turnover increased by 9.9 per cent
23 March 2006 6th period 2005 Turnover increased by 12.5 per cent
23 January 2006 5th period 2005 13.7 per cent turnover growth
12 June 2006 1st period 2006 Turnover increased by 19.2 per cent
21 November 2006 4th period 2006 Turnover growth in construction industry
18 August 2006 2nd period 2006 15.7 per cent growth in construction
22 January 2007 5th period 2006 High growth in construction turnover
3 October 2006 3rd period 2006 Turnover growth in construction
16 August 2007 2nd period 2007 High turnover growth in construction
26 March 2007 6th period 2006 Record high turnover in construction