Wholesale and retail trade sales statistics6th period 2016


All releases for Wholesale and retail trade sales statistics - every two months

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
6 April 2017 6th period 2016 Increase in online shopping
17 February 2017 5th period 2016 Turnover in retail trade up 2.9 per cent
19 December 2016 4th period 2016 Online shopping up – ICT down
18 October 2016 3rd period 2016 Retail sales for NOK 225 billion
5 September 2016 2nd period 2016 Retail sales for NOK 142 billion
17 June 2016 1st period 2016 Retail sales for NOK 68 billion
29 April 2016 6th period 2015 Growth in online shopping
23 February 2016 5th period 2015 Retail sales up 3.3 per cent
18 December 2015 4th period 2015 Retail sales of NOK 300 billion
20 November 2015 4.5th period 2015 Sales of motor vehicles up
27 October 2015 3rd period 2015 Boom in boat sales
2 September 2015 2nd period 2015 Sports and Internet sales up
14 August 2015 3rd period 2015 Sales of motor vehicles up
23 June 2015 1st period 2015 Continuous growth in web shopping
26 May 2015 1.5th period 2015 Wholesale up
28 April 2015 6th period 2014 Turnover almost NOK 450 billion
26 February 2015 6th period 2014 Drop in trade and repair of motor vehicles
24 February 2015 5th period 2014 Growth in retail sale
19 December 2014 4th period 2014 Retail sales of NOK 287 billion
27 November 2014 4.5th period 2014 Drop in wholesale industries
30 October 2014 3rd period 2014 Growth in retail sales
9 September 2014 2nd period 2014 Growth in retail sales
27 August 2014 3rd period 2014 Growth in wholesale industries
23 June 2014 1st period 2014 Food and beverage up NOK 1 billion
27 May 2014 1.5th period 2014 Sales of motor vehicles up
29 April 2014 6th period 2013 Increase in retail trade
27 February 2014 5th period 2013 Increase in wholesale and retail trade
25 February 2014 6th period 2013 Slight decrease in motor vehicle sales
20 December 2013 4th period 2013 Retail sales up in summer 2013
28 November 2013 4.5th period 2013 Increased sales of motor vehicles
29 October 2013 3rd period 2013 Retail sales level out
9 September 2013 2nd period 2013 Food and beverage for NOK 30 billion
29 August 2013 3rd period 2013 Small changes in sales of motor vehicles
24 June 2013 1st period 2013 Retail sales for NOK 62 billion
30 May 2013 1.5th period 2013 Sales of motor vehicles up 5 per cent
29 April 2013 6th period 2012 Increase in retail trade
12 March 2013 5th period 2012 Increase in retail trade
25 February 2013 6th period 2012 Sales of motor vehicles up 4 per cent
20 December 2012 4th period 2012 Food and beverage up NOK 5 billion
29 November 2012 4.5th period 2012 Motor vehicle sales up
7 September 2012 2nd period 2012 Retail sales up NOK 2 billion
30 October 2012 3rd period 2012 Retail sales for NOK 200 billion
3 May 2012 6th period 2011 Turnover more than NOK 400 billion
26 June 2012 1st period 2012 Increase in retail sales
3 September 2012 3rd period 2012 Motor vehicle sales fell 3 per cent
30 May 2012 1.5th period 2012 Continuous growth in sales of motor vehicles
28 February 2012 6th period 2011 Motor vehicles up
29 February 2012 5th period 2011 Retail trade in development
21 February 2011 6th period 2010 Sales of motor vehicles up 9 per cent
30 May 2011 1.5th period 2011 Sales of motor vehicles up
30 August 2011 3rd period 2011 Continued increase of motor vehicles
28 November 2011 4.5th period 2011 Motor vehicles down
28 February 2011 5th period 2010 Growth in retail sales of NOK 7 billion
29 April 2011 6th period 2010 Growth in retail sales of NOK 10 billion
23 June 2011 1st period 2011 Moderate increase in retail sales
8 September 2011 2nd period 2011 Food, beverages and tobacco up 6.4 per cent
28 October 2011 3rd period 2011 Food and beverages up NOK 1 billion
21 December 2011 4th period 2011 Retail trade up NOK 2.6 billion
1 June 2007 1.5th period 2007 Strong growth in turnover
11 September 2007 3rd period 2007 Wholesale up more than 9 per cent
30 May 2008 1.5th period 2008 Sales of motor vehicles up 3.3 per cent
28 November 2007 4.5th period 2007 More sales of motor vehicles
9 March 2009 6th period 2008 Motor vehicle sales down 13.6 per cent
28 November 2008 4.5th period 2008 Decrease in sales of motor vehicles
11 March 2008 6th period 2007 Wholesale up by 8 per cent
27 November 2009 4.5th period 2009 Decrease in wholesale trade
28 May 2009 1.5th period 2009 Continued decline in sales of motor vehicles
28 August 2009 3rd period 2009 Fall in trade of motor vehicles
1 June 2010 1.5th period 2010 Sales of motor vehicles up
25 February 2010 6th period 2009 Less wholesale trade
27 August 2010 3rd period 2010 Continued increase of motor vehicles
29 November 2010 4.5th period 2010 Sales of motor vehicles up 14 per cent
20 December 2010 4th period 2010 Growth in retail sales of NOK 6 billion
12 June 2001 6th period 2000 Nord-Aurdal and Skedsmo on top
7 May 2002 4th period 2001 Retail sales up NOK 4.4 billion
21 September 2001 1st period 2001 Retail sales increased 732 million
13 August 2002 6th period 2001 Retail sales up NOK 7.5 billion
25 October 2002 3rd period 2002 Retail sales up NOK 5.8 billion
6 May 2003 6th period 2002 Retail sales up NOK 11.7 billion
17 December 2002 4th period 2002 Retail sales up NOK 7.7 billion
18 March 2003 5th period 2002 Retail sales up NOK 9.4 billion
4 November 2003 3rd period 2003 Retail sales up NOK 4.3 billion
30 June 2003 1st period 2003 Retail sales up NOK 1.3 billion
24 February 2004 5th period 2003 Retail sales increased by NOK 8.6 billion
4 September 2003 2nd period 2003 Retail sales up NOK 2.7 billion
22 December 2003 4th period 2003 Retail sales up NOK 6.3 billion
31 August 2004 2nd period 2004 Retail sales up NOK 3 billion
27 April 2004 6th period 2003 Retail sales up NOK 10.5 billion
2 July 2004 1st period 2004 Retail sales up NOK 1.9 billion
17 December 2004 4th period 2004 Retail sales up NOK 1.6 billion
23 February 2005 5th period 2004 Sales of motor vehicles up 15 per cent
1 November 2004 3rd period 2004 Retail sales up NOK 2.3 billion
29 April 2005 6th period 2004 Retail sales up NOK 14 billion
4 July 2005 1st period 2005 Wholesale sales up NOK 7 billion
30 August 2005 2nd period 2005 Wholesales up NOK 13 billion
27 February 2006 5th period 2005 Retail sales up NOK 8.2 billion
5 January 2006 4th period 2005 Retail sales up NOK 7.2 billion
4 November 2005 3rd period 2005 Retail sales up NOK 4.6 billion
25 October 2006 3rd period 2006 Retail sales up NOK 6.6 billion
5 July 2006 1st period 2006 Wholesales up NOK 13.5 billion
31 August 2006 2nd period 2006 Sale of motor vehicles rose by 5.3 per cent
27 April 2006 6th period 2005 Retail sales increased by NOK 11.6 billion
26 February 2007 5th period 2006 Retail sales up NOK 11.9 billion
19 December 2006 4th period 2006 Retail sales up NOK 8.9 billion
29 August 2007 2nd period 2007 Retail sales up
30 April 2007 6th period 2006 Retail sales increased NOK 15.3 billion
22 June 2007 1st period 2007 Good sales of motor vehicles
29 October 2007 3rd period 2007 Retail sales up NOK 12.9 billion
25 April 2008 6th period 2007 Retail trade up 8.3 per cent
28 February 2008 5th period 2007 Retail trade up 8.9 per cent
18 December 2007 4th period 2007 Retail sales up NOK 17.1 billion
28 October 2008 3rd period 2008 Less sales of motor vehicles
23 June 2008 1st period 2008 Retail sales up NOK 4 billion
18 December 2008 4th period 2008 Decrease in sales of motor vehicles
8 September 2008 2nd period 2008 Retail sales up by NOK 6.3 billion
26 February 2009 5th period 2008 Decrease in sales of motor vehicles
24 April 2009 6th period 2008 Retail sales for NOK 332 billion
30 October 2009 3rd period 2009 Retail sales for NOK 178 billion
7 September 2009 2nd period 2009 Sales of motor vehicles down NOK 8.7 bn
25 June 2009 1st period 2009 Retail sales down
26 February 2010 5th period 2009 Increase in sales of motor vehicles
18 December 2009 4th period 2009 Sales of motor vehicles increase
17 June 2010 1st period 2010 Increase in retail sales
28 April 2010 6th period 2009 Retail sales for NOK 380 billion
7 September 2010 2nd period 2010 Sales of motor vehicles up 27 per cent
2 November 2010 3rd period 2010 Retail sales for NOK 183 billion

For previous releases also see: Volume index for wholesale trade.